94 Rating – Funky Buddha Brewery – Wide Awake It’s Morning


BC: Who came up with this beer’s recipe?
I did, about 5 years ago.

BC: What’s your favorite aspect of this beer (flavor, aroma, etc.)?
At this point where the beer is, I really enjoy the balance of all the flavors. I think when we first started brewing it, it was more maple-heavy.

BC: Where does this beer’s name come from?
We tend to use a lot of 80s pop culture references or music references, and this one came from the name of a 2005 Bright Eyes album.

BC: Is this your “desert island beer?”
No way! I tend to think of desert island beers in two ways. One, I always picture it being really hot, so it would have to be something I would want on a hot day. Next, it would have to be something that was kind of neutral, so you didn’t get too sick of any particular flavor. For me, our Floridian Hefeweizen fits the bill perfectly.

BC: Can you describe this beer in 10 words or less?
We’ve always described the smaller 6% version of this beer as “evoking a complete diner-style breakfast in a glass.” So I think that same description applies here.

BC: Do you know a story – or have a personal story – that revolves around this beer?
Not really a story, but I always love seeing people’s reaction when first trying or smelling this beer. We get a lot of “holy shit” reactions, which always make us smile.

BC: What’s a good food pairing for this beer?
I’m not great at pairing, but we’ve done a lot of dinners involving this beer. Typically, this goes well with dark chocolate as the bitterness of the chocolate pairs really nicely with both the coffee and maple.

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