Susan Ruud is a Grand Master IV BJCP judge and holds a mead certification. She has been judging and making beer, mead and cider since 1996 and assisted in creating the Mead judge exam for the BJCP and was the assistant exam director from 2006 to 2013. Susan was on the American Homebrewers Association Governing Committee from 2000 to 2017 and has held the office of secretary for this organization for many years. She has been a judge for the Great American Beer Festival since 2000.
Susan is married with two children and three grandchildren and works at North Dakota State University doing agricultural research in potatoes and canola. She has been there since 1990 and hopes to retire in the next year or so to work full time at the Meadery her husband and her have opened, Prairie Rose Meadery.
Judge’s Review: 88 Rating – Nelson Slayer by Alvarado Street Brewery
Alvarado Street Brewery
Judge’s Review: 91 Rating – pFriem Brut IPA by pFriem Family Brewers
pFriem Family Brewers
Judges Review: 90 Rating – Singletrack Mind IPA by Allegheny City Brewing
Allegheny City Brewing
Judge’s Review: 91 Rating – Mai Tai PA by Alvarado Street Brewery
Alvarado Street Brewery