Valar Morghulis

Brewery Ommegang,h=487

Belgian Dubbel
Limited Release
New York
United States

Judges Ratings 95

Aroma: 23 / 24
Flavor: 38 / 40
Appearance: 6 / 6
Mouthfeel: 9 / 10
Overall Impression: 19 / 20


Ommegang and HBO® announce the newest beer in the Game of Thrones® collaboration series. An Abbey Dubbel was selected by fans and it is perfectly represented by the “two- headed” coin given to Arya Stark by Jaqen H’ghar, one of the “Faceless Men of Braavos” – legendary assassins with the ability to change their appearances at will.

Beverage Profile

ABV: 8.00%
IBUs: 21
Served at: (50° F)
Hops: Apollo, Hallertau Spalt
Malts: Pilsner, Specialty

Judges Review

Tom Cannon picture

By Tom Cannon

Judges Ratings 95

Aroma: 23 / 24 / 24
Flavor: 38 / 40 / 40
Appearance: 6 / 6 / 6
Mouthfeel: 9 / 10 / 10
Overall Impression: 19 / 20 / 20

This beer walks the fine line between the Belgian Dubbel style and its bigger cousin, the Belgian Dark Strong Ale. In the glass it is a deep brown with a reddish/orange hue and a big, white, rocky head. The Belgian yeast provides plum, raisin, maybe some green banana, along with cocoa, spun sugar and a bready malt aroma. The flavor is smooth, yeasty, banana bready-malt backed with spiciness, perhaps marjoram, or even some mace. Behind the spiciness, there are plum and currant flavors, with perhaps a touch of white grape. The hops provide enough balance to provide a creamy finish with a touch of alcohol warmth. Definitely a well done Belgian warmer.This beer walks the fi ne line between the Belgian Dubbel style and its bigger cousin, the Belgian Dark Strong Ale. In the glass it is a deep brown with a reddish/orange hue and a big, white, rocky head. The Belgian yeast provides plum, raisin, maybe some green banana, along with cocoa, spun sugar and a bready malt aroma. The flavor is smooth, yeasty, banana bready-malt backed with spiciness, perhaps marjoram, or even some mace. Behind the spiciness, there are plum and currant flavors, with perhaps a touch of white grape. The hops provide enough balance to provide a creamy finish with a touch of alcohol warmth. Definitely a well done Belgian warmer.This beer walks the fi ne line between the Belgian Dubbel style and its bigger cousin, the Belgian Dark Strong Ale. In the glass it is a deep brown with a reddish/orange hue and a big, white, rocky head. The Belgian yeast provides plum, raisin, maybe some green banana, along with cocoa, spun sugar and a bready malt aroma. The flavor is smooth, yeasty, banana bready-malt backed with spiciness, perhaps marjoram, or even some mace. Behind the spiciness, there are plum and currant flavors, with perhaps a touch of white grape. The hops provide enough balance to provide a creamy finish with a touch of alcohol warmth. Definitely a well-done Belgian warmer.

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