
FATE Brewing Company


United States

Judges Ratings 91

Aroma: 21 / 24
Flavor: 38 / 40
Appearance: 6 / 6
Mouthfeel: 9 / 10
Overall Impression: 17 / 20


Long ago, Germanic mythology attributed the destiny of all to the actions of the Norns. These three goddesses of fate are said to spin, measure and cut the thread of life. Uror, the spinner, allots this wheat ale a touch of coriander, salty bread character and refreshing, tart crispness. Sitting beneath the tree of life, Uror laces this ancient, sour mashed sea salt ale with flavors that both surprise and delight.

Beverage Profile

ABV: 4.80%
IBUs: 10
Served at: ()
Hops: Magnum
Malts: Wheat, Pilsner, Oats, Munich

Judges Review

Randy Scorby picture

By Randy Scorby

Judges Ratings 91

Aroma: 21 / 24 / 24
Flavor: 38 / 40 / 40
Appearance: 6 / 6 / 6
Mouthfeel: 9 / 10 / 10
Overall Impression: 17 / 20 / 20

This Gose pours a hazy yellow with a very long-lasting white head. The aroma has a quickly fading sulfur character, followed by a bready, doughy and cookie-like maltiness. A very light lemon citrus ester emerges as it warms, along with noticeable tartness. The flavor builds on the aroma, with a bready, doughy and light honey-like sweetness that takes on a lemon citrus character, and transitions into a light spiciness. Light saltiness emerges mid-palate that complements the honey sweetness and firm lactic sourness. The finish is fairly dry and supported by low hop bitterness. This is a very refreshing Gose that displays a firm sourness as well as a light saltiness that compliments the overall character of the beer.

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