Scattered Sun

Southbound Brewing Co.,h=487

Witbier | Year-Round | United States

Joseph Formanek's picture

By Joseph Formanek

Judges Rating: 84
Aroma: 22
Appearance: 4
Flavor: 34
Mouthfeel: 7
Overall Impression: 17

Southbound Brewing Company’s Scattered Sun delivers many of the basics that you’d expect in a Wit, but with a few issues. This expectedly cloudy golden-colored brew has an appealing tart aroma and cereal notes along with evident coriander and citrus spice in the nose, which really raises your expectations for this brew. Interestingly, the head is unexpectedly fleeting for the style. The flavor, surprisingly, does not exhibit much of the spicing that you’d expect after experiencing the aroma, and, while the wheat bite is evident, there is a rather high level of residual sweetness that lingers through to the finish. The body is a bit heavy for the style as well, in large part due to the apparent underattenuation. The overall impression is that of a sweet wheat ale with a touch of spice in the background.