Vanilla Porter

Breckenridge Brewery,h=487

Spice, Herb or Vegetable Beer
United States

Judges Ratings 77

Aroma: 18 / 24
Flavor: 30 / 40
Appearance: 6 / 6
Mouthfeel: 7 / 10
Overall Impression: 16 / 20


Remarkable. Partakable.
Deep in the jungles of Papua New Guinea and Madagascar grows the perfect ingredient for an extraordinary Porter brewed in Colorado. Breckenridge Brewery’s Vanilla Porter. An ale that has all the chocolate and roasted nut flavor of a classic Porter, with an enigmatic surprise thrown in for good measure.

Beverage Profile

ABV: 4.70%
IBUs: 16
Served at: (45 – 47°)
Hops: Chinook, Palisade, Perle, Goulding
Malts: Two Row Pale, Caramel, Bonlander, Black, Roasted Barley

Judges Review

BC Review picture

By BC Review

Judges Ratings 77

Aroma: 18 / 24 / 24
Flavor: 30 / 40 / 40
Appearance: 6 / 6 / 6
Mouthfeel: 7 / 10 / 10
Overall Impression: 16 / 20 / 20

From opening day in 1990, Breckenridge Brewery has expanded from a single pub in picturesque Breckenridge, Colo., to a regional concern distributing a broad repertoire of uncommon brews. Vanilla Porter is just such a beer, with boat loads of perfumed Tahitian vanilla and luscious English toffee leaping from the glass. Rick found the vanilla-infused aroma slightly one-dimensional, likening the experience to “a fistful of vanilla beans to the face.” Yet, he enjoyed the underpinnings of unctuous caramel and “acidic roast coffee.” Like Rick, Tim felt the vanilla overpowered the aroma, noting it “takes all other components hostage.” He did, however, like the sharp coffee tang lurking beneath the vanilla sweetness. A beautiful deep brown, yet crystal clear brew, Vanilla Porter holds true to its British ancestry, sporting a frothy cap of beige foam. Carrying over from the aroma, sultry vanilla and cocoa powder notes are front and center in the flavor. Pete compared the flavor to French vanilla ice cream topped with Hershey’s chocolate, and pronounced the beer “truly a vanilla lover’s dream.” Tom considered the vanilla a bit more finessed and praised how the lingering vanilla sweetness balanced the rather dryish, coffee-like finish. All judges agreed that Vanilla Porter is well-crafted and decidedly a “vanilla-centric” brew. Dripping with notes of vanilla, chocolate and roasted coffee, this brew is the ideal accompaniment to desserts of any ilk.

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