KEREL Saison

Verbeeck-Back-De Cock Brewery,h=489



Judges Ratings 87

Aroma: 20 / 24
Flavor: 36 / 40
Appearance: 6 / 6
Mouthfeel: 8 / 10
Overall Impression: 17 / 20


Everybody knows that if you want a great summer body, you need to work on it during winter. The same goes for this beer’s complex body of flavors. It is traditionally brewed during winter and savoured during spring / summer. It’s usually very fruity with deep earthy yeast tones and a mild tartness. The VBDCK version has all of that, plus a dry character and medium bitterness perfectly suited to bathing suit season and beyond.
Taste: This easy to love thirst quencher uses different kinds of hops and grains so you’ll discover new aspects of its flavor with every sip or swallow

Beverage Profile

ABV: 5.50%
Served at: ()

Judges Review

Michael Heniff picture

By Michael Heniff

Judges Ratings 87

Aroma: 20 / 24 / 24
Flavor: 36 / 40 / 40
Appearance: 6 / 6 / 6
Mouthfeel: 8 / 10 / 10
Overall Impression: 17 / 20 / 20

KEREL Saison by Verbeek-Back-De Cock Brewery is a Saison and is being evaluated as a Saison (category 25B in the 2021 BJCP Beer Style Guidelines). Saisons are typically well-carbonated and well-attenuated ales with a complex balance between phenolics, esters, and hops.

KEREL Saison pours golden in color with a light haze and a finely beaded white head. The aroma pairs peppery phenolics against light citrusy esters and a hint of herbal hops. The flavor displays prominent peppery phenolics, a light citrusy ester but without hops, and a moderate grainy maltiness provides a backdrop to the phenolics and esters. The beer finishes moderately bittered with a light pils malt and moderate peppery phenolics.

KEREL Saison is a very good saison. The phenolics are prominent and the esters provide balance. However, the malt intensity is higher than typical examples and the beer lacks the high, palate-cleansing carbonation.

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