Batson River Brewing & Distilling Head Brewer Dan Stampone Talks Acadian Skies

98 Rating - World Class,h=963

We spoke with Batson River Brewing & Distilling Head Brewer Dan Stampone about Acadian Skies.

Who was responsible for this beer’s recipe?
I developed this recipe shortly after joining Batson River Brewing & Distilling. As we began to define our identity as a brewery, I took a deep look inward at who we wanted to be and what we wanted as our core offerings. My passion for lagers led me to take a different approach; instead of creating a porter or stout as our year-round dark beer, I opted for a Schwarzbier that aligns with our focus on clean, balanced and approachable beers. This recipe is challenging and demands a high level of attention to all the small details.

What sets this beer apart from other examples within the style?
I’m a huge Schwarzbier fan, so I’ve done my research! I set out to create a flavorful dark beer that’s refreshing enough for people to enjoy several pints in one sitting. I love the way this beer finishes – it’s crisp and clean, really clearing out the palate. For me, that’s paramount in any lager and a quality one might not expect to find in a dark lager like Acadian Skies.

What makes this beer truly World Class?
It’s the finer details, though perhaps I geek out on them too much. There’s so much to look for in a beer of this style that discovering those elements is endlessly satisfying. We dial in our water profile true to style; the hops provide the right amount of bitterness to support the complex malt profile; our yeast selection creates that Goldilocks attenuation required for an addictively refreshing finish that keeps you coming back from more. When it all comes together, it’s just this feeling of: “Yes, this is how we envisioned it, and we accomplished exactly that!”

What is your favorite aspect of this beer (flavor, aroma, mouthfeel, etc.)?
Hands down, it’s the balance. You get all the roasted coffee notes you want from the style without overpowering the drinkability. It’s like a piece of music with highs, lows and mid-tones. The complexity created by the seven different malts we utilize could easily take over, but the crisp finish provides a harmony that ties it all together.

How popular is this beer among your faithful fans?
Dark lagers are gaining momentum here in Maine. We have a growing customer base that is passionate about Acadian Skies. Of course, being given a 98 rating from you guys has helped it gain some attention! At the end of the day, it’s rewarding to get it in people’s hands because once they try it, they love it.

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