GT Gose

Anderson Valley Brewing Co.,h=487

Gose | Seasonal | United States

Randy Scorby's picture

By Randy Scorby

Judges Rating: 84
Aroma: 20
Appearance: 5
Flavor: 34
Mouthfeel: 9
Overall Impression: 16

This beer pours deep gold with a light haze, and a fine, white persistent head. The aroma is moderately tart with a hint of lemon zest, and a light peppery character that emerges as the beer warms. A light bready maltiness and moderate briny character also develops in the aroma. There is significant tartness in the flavor with moderate brininess, lemon zest, lemon pepper and a hint of green honeydew melon with a suggestion of bready malt. The tartness is fairly dominant. The main flavor characteristics seem at odds with each other and compete for time on the palate, rather than create synergy for one another. This beer has promise but needs better balance.