CitruSinensis Pale Ale

Lagunitas Brewing Company,h=487

Fruit Beer | Limited Release | United States

S J Klein's picture

By S J Klein

Judges Rating: 77
Aroma: 18
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 31
Mouthfeel: 8
Overall Impression: 14

The nose is rich with corn and spicy floral notes, which remind me of English hop varietals. It has a very light fruitiness but I can’t really tell there’s tangerine in the nose if I wasn’t looking for it. It’s pale gold and brilliantly clear. A nice creamy white head thins out over time. In the mouth, a significant, almost tinny, tartness hits you up front, reminiscent of canned orange juice. It’s hard to discern significant malt and hop notes, though they are definitely there. The malt is soft and biscuity. The hops are quiet but sharp. An interesting balance to the tartness of the fruit as it’s sharp in the mouth and well-carbonated with an unexpected creaminess in the middle. Slightly astringent in the finish.
It’s a really interesting concept – a fruit-forward beer with a fruit you don’t normally see so up front. The orange is tart and powerful, and it doesn’t completely jive with the qualities of the beer underneath. All the same, I’m glad I tried it, and you should too. You’ll be better off for the experience!