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Judge's Review: 74 Rating - Side Bae Cryo Pop Double IPA by Wild Leap Brew Co.

July, 2023

Side Bae Cryo Pop Double IPA

Side Bae Cryo Pop Double IPA

United States
Side Bae Cryo Pop Double IPA, Wild Leap Brew Co.

Super small batch IPA brewed with experimental malt formulas and Cryo Pop hops. *Contains Lactose*

Beverage Profile
Cryo Pop®



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Judges Rating: 
17 / 24
3 / 6
30 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
14 / 20

Side Bae Cryo Pop Double IPA by Wild Leap Brew Co. is being reviewed as a Alternative Sugar Beer (Category 31B) due to the use of lactose with a Double IPA base beer (Category 22A) per the 2021 BJCP guidelines.

This beer pours a gold color with an opaque clarity. A head of tight, tiny bubbles forms on the pour but is fleeting and leaves a thin ring around the glass. The aroma consists of medium tangerine and low pineapple at the forefront. There is a low general sweetness with very low wisps of alcohol as it warms. There is no detectable malt character at all. This beer has a low initial sweetness quickly taken over by a medium flavor of pineapple and tangerine noted in the aroma. A medium bitterness follows after the hop flavor. The balance in this beer barely favors the hop in a 45 malt sweet / 55 hop bitterness split. The aftertaste consists of a touch of malt sweetness, lingering hop bitterness, tangerine peel and slight ethyl alcohol. This beer has a medium body with medium carbonation. This beer is incredibly creamy from the use of lactose, oats and flaked wheat. There is no harsh astringency and it has a pleasant low alcohol warmth. Overall, the aroma is slightly one-dimensional and misses the hop intensity in both flavor and bitterness to be claimed as a double IPA, and I expected more out of this beer.
