Judge’s Review: 85 Rating – Sparkling IPA 2022 by pFriem Family Brewers

pFriem Family Brewers


American IPA | Seasonal | United States

Richard Wong's picture

By Richard Wong

Judges Rating: 85
Aroma: 22
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 34
Mouthfeel: 8
Overall Impression: 15

Sparkling IPA 2022 by pFriem Family Brewers was reviewed under the 2021 BJCP Guidelines as # 21A (American IPA). 
The beer had a very nice straw-colored hue that was both carbonated and sparkling in the glass. Very nice head retention that still remained in the glass after several minutes. The aroma detected was just hops in the nose. The beer had a nice malt sweetness balanced nicely with the hop bittering that had nice hints of citrus fruit, which made it seem “juicy” in the palate. The body and mouthfeel of this beer was medium and had very good carbonation. The overall impression was that this beer had a very nice malt sweetness balanced with the appropriate hop bittering. Citrus flavors that seemed juicy in the mouth and left a good impression. The alcohol level is 6.6% ABV, thus this is still a very quenching IPA.