Judge’s Review: 88 Rating – Nelson Slayer by Alvarado Street Brewery

Alvarado Street Brewery


Specialty IPA | Special Release | United States

Susan Ruud's picture

By Susan Ruud

Judges Rating: 88
Aroma: 20
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 37
Mouthfeel: 8
Overall Impression: 17

Nelson Slayer by Alvarado Street Brewery was judged as a New England IPA – BJCP category 21B – specialty IPA.  It poured with a huge off white head, golden in color and extremely hazy.  Before even getting the glass close to my nose I could smell a huge dank, melony, citrusy hop aroma.  The hops pretty much overpowered any malt aroma in this beer.  At first sip this beer was full of hops – dank, garlic, and a touch of citrus.  A low level of malt was in the background but hop flavor dominated.  Surprisingly tho with all of that hop aroma and flavor the finish was just slightly hop with very low levels of hop bitterness lingering but the hop flavor lingers in your mouth for a long time.  The body of this beer was on the medium full side and smooth throughout.  The alcohol was clean and smooth.  This is a beer for a cool fall day sitting out by the lakeshore or out on a pontoon enjoying the end of the summer/beginning of fall.