Judge’s Review: 92 Rating – pFriem Mexican-Style Lager by pFriem Family Brewers

pFriem Family Brewers


International Pale Lager | Seasonal | United States

Nelson Crowle's picture

By Nelson Crowle

Judges Rating: 92
Aroma: 22
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 38
Mouthfeel: 8
Overall Impression: 18

pFriem Mexican-Style Lager by pFriem Family Brewers was evaluated as BJCP2015 2A International Pale Lager. Pours a beautiful, brilliantly clear, light yellowish straw color with a large white head of tiny bubbles that is persistent. Aroma is moderately grainy with a slight perfumy floral note. The flavor is of mostly grainy malt with a hint of unsalted crackers and low floral and white pepper notes. Very light body and highly carbonated, there’s a short grainy very dry finish with hints of honey and corn. There are no faults or defects — this is an excellent example of a Mexican Lager (without the usual skunkiness of a Corona, or the need for a lime). Bitterness is low but smooth. There is a moderate alcohol presence that is clean but noticeable. Well made and cleanly fermented. Drink this cold and NFL (No Fine Lime). This beer would pair nicely with fresh crunchy corn tacos (spicy pollo or bistec with lots of onions) and tostada chips with spicy guacamole.