
Brasserie d’Achouffe,h=2029

Belgian Dubbel | Year-Round | Belgium

BC Review's picture

By BC Review

Judges Rating: 91
Aroma: 22
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 37
Mouthfeel: 8
Overall Impression: 18

When swirled, this inviting ale smells of caramelized malts, sweet toffee, candied cherries, raisins, plums, vanilla and warming alcohol vapor. Lively with substantial carbonation and a thick, fl uffy, off-white head that settles quickly, this dark brown, opaque brew has a hint of ruby sparkle. Intricate ripe fruit esters of plum, cherry and fi g dominate the flavor profi le and blend with caramely/biscuity malts, providing a medium body that finishes moderately sweet. Floral flavoring and bittering hops exist in the backdrop simply to prevent the beer from becoming cloying. For such an approachable and drinkable ale, this beer also showcases complex malts and attention-grabbing Belgian fermentation esters that make for a exceptional treat.