Parade of Souls

Barrel of Monks Brewing,h=489

Imperial Stout | Limited Release | United States

Rodney A. Tillinghast's picture

By Rodney A. Tillinghast

Judges Rating: 80
Aroma: 21
Appearance: 5
Flavor: 33
Mouthfeel: 7
Overall Impression: 14

I waited patiently for the head to settle in my glass after a vigorous pour into the snifter. Waves of dark brown streaks within the head took on an alien brain likeness. The high alcohol in the beer held the glass lacing intact. Several intense ester-derived aromas arose as the sample warmed, including vanilla, dark chocolate, apple candy, and burnt toast. The beer featured a terrific malt character, burnt figs and low-to-medium earthy hop bitterness. It finished pretty full, but seemed to be missing some of the roasty character that is more true to style. I would have like some more supporting hop-derived complexity, which would have added additional layers of flavors. While the Belgian yeast changes the character of the beer, some of the more traditional elements central to a good Imperial Stout seem to have been left behind.