Wild Leap Vodka Expands Into Additional Markets
Wild Leap Brew Co. in LaGrange, Georgia has announced its plans to expand into various new markets. Read on for more information.
Earlier this year, Wild Leap Brew Co. announced its first product expansion into spirits with the launch of Wild Leap Vodka. Now, Wild Leap is excited to announce that its vodka is expanding into more cities in Georgia, including Columbus, Athens, Gainesville and Augusta! Wild Leap Vodka will be available in these markets beginning the first week of November.
Well-known in the Georgia craft beer scene, Wild Leap took this exciting new direction that took many consumers by surprise. Wild Leap Vodka, distilled eight times for a velvety smooth taste, falls in step with the exceptional quality Wild Leap delivers.
“High quality, craft beverages have always been our focus, and craft beer was just the starting point for us,” shares Anthony Rodriguez, Wild Leap Co-Founder, and CEO. “When we began distilling vodka, we wanted to create a product that was exceptional and timeless. We couldn’t be happier with the outcome.”
Since the initial launch in August, Wild Leap Vodka has only been available in the LaGrange and Atlanta markets. However, with this expansion, consumers across the state of Georgia will be able to purchase this smooth, yellow corn distilled vodka.
“We’re thrilled with the response we have seen from the initial launch of our vodka,” comments Rob Goldstein, Wild Leap Co-Founder and CMO. “With this new expansion, Wild Leap Vodka will be available in all Georgia markets where Wild Leap beer is sold.”
Unlike many of Wild Leap’s rotational craft beers, Wild Leap Vodka is here to stay. Find it in these new markets the first week of November, distributed by Atlanta Beverage (Athens/Gainesville), B&B Beverage (Columbus) and AB Beverage (Augusta).
For information about Wild Leap Brew Co., please reach out to [email protected].
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