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Jim Koebel's picture


September, 2015
Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

When a Double IPA gets it right, it's easy to tell. This beer was a cinch. Its aroma begins with dank, sticky-sweet hop character that smells of fruity bubblegum, citrus, lavender, and perfume all at once. It's definitely boozy with a bit of vegetal and grassy aroma as well. This beer pours a hazy orange color with a low, white head that never quite disappears. Its medium-full body is carbonated generously -- much more than the head would have you believe. The flavor is simpler than the aroma, with grassy hops and clean, sweet malt. It is certainly bitter but not extremely so. This beer finishes warm, with a pungent, hoppy taste and some grassy and vegetal flavor. A first-tier technical result that offers a unique aroma, this DIPA belongs in more refrigerators.
