Poivre Potion

Terrapin Beer Co.


Saison | Limited Release | United States

Michael McGuire's picture

By Michael McGuire

Judges Rating: 95
Aroma: 23
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 37
Mouthfeel: 9
Overall Impression: 20

This beer poured a clear orange color with a thick, white head and emanating a complex aroma redolent of fruity esters, malt sweetness and hops. Following this auspicious beginning, the beer really shone with its flavor profile; in addition to a Belgian yeast character and lovely maltiness throughout the taste, it began with dark spicy notes – perhaps coriander – and finished with plenty of the promised peppercorns. The positive effect of the dry-hopping was clear but subtle. All of these contributions were complementary rather than conflicting, yielding a Saison to be noted and enjoyed for its complexity. The mouthfeel was creamy with an alcohol warmth that was gradual rather than abrupt. Altogether, this was an exceptional brew to be savored.