Judge’s Review: 96 Rating – Nitro Irish Stout by Breckenridge Brewery

Breckenridge Brewery


Irish Stout | Year-Round | United States

Michael Heniff's picture

By Michael Heniff

Judges Rating: 96
Aroma: 21
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 39
Mouthfeel: 10
Overall Impression: 20

Nitro Irish Stout by Breckenridge Brewery is an Irish Stout and is being evaluated as an Irish Stout (2015 BJCP Style Guidelines category 15B). Irish stouts are known for their strong roasty flavors, creamy mouthfeel, little malt sweetness and modest alcohol content.
This stout pours an opaque pitch black with a very finely beaded creamy tan head. The aroma is prominent, rich dark malts with aromas of roasted espresso, chocolate and toasted malts.  The flavor is similarly and appropriately malt-focused with a rich, flavorful blend of roasted espresso and dark chocolate malt flavors. The body is medium and very velvety smooth. The finish is lightly bittered with a rich, complex malt depth of coffee and dark chocolates lingering for a long time. This beer is rich and complex despite being lower in alcohol and is velvety smooth and quite quaffable. This Irish Stout has more malt complexity than its Irish cousins yet retains the drinkability expected for spending plenty of time at the pub.