Judge’s Review: 92 Rating – Wreak Havoc by Bootstrap Brewing

Bootstrap Brewing


Red IPA | Year-Round | United States

Michael Heniff's picture

By Michael Heniff

Judges Rating: 92
Aroma: 21
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 37
Mouthfeel: 10
Overall Impression: 18

Wreak Havoc by Bootstrap Brewing is an Imperial Red Ale and is being evaluated as Specialty IPA (category 21B Red IPA). Red IPAs are hoppy and bitter like traditional American IPAs but have more of a malt contribution with flavors of caramel or toffee. Wreak Havoc weighs in at 8.5% abv and 88 IBUs with 7 hop additions in the brewing process.
Wreak Havoc pours a copper color with excellent clarity and a fluffy, off-white head. The aroma is moderately citrusy and resiny hops with an evenly balanced nutty, biscuity and caramel maltiness. The flavor is similar in character as the aroma but with the hops slightly more prominent than the malt. The body is medium (almost medium-full) but avoids having a thick and chewy mouthfeel. The bitterness is appropriate and balances the maltiness with the moderate caramel malt character at an even level with the citrusy hops.
Wreak Havoc is a very nice beer that straddles the line between the Red IPA and Double IPA styles. This beer is deceivingly strong, enjoyable and well brewed. Enjoy!