Judge’s Review: 92 Rating – Bourbon Barrel-Aged Concrete Ship by Cape May Brewery

Cape May Brewing Co.


Specialty Wood-Aged Beer | Special Release | United States

Michael Heniff's picture

By Michael Heniff

Judges Rating: 92
Aroma: 22
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 36
Mouthfeel: 10
Overall Impression: 18

Bourbon Barrel-Aged Concrete Ship by Cape May Brewery is a barrel-aged Imperial Stout and is being evaluated as a Wood-Aged Beer (category 33A from the 2015 BJCP Beer Style Guidelines). Imperial Stouts are the strongest of the stouts frequently displaying flavors of roasted, chocolate, and coffee from the malt. For Wood-Aged Beers, the best examples have a “harmonious blend” between the base beer and the wood/spirits resulting in a flavorful, complex blend. For this release, Cap May ages their Imperial Stout brewed with 8 different malts in 7-year aged Kentucky bourbon barrels. Bourbon Barrel-Aged Concrete Ship measures in at 10.1 percent ABV.
Bourbon Barrel-Aged Concrete Ship pours an opaque, inky black color with a medium dark brown head. The aroma is strong roasted and chocolate malt with lighter caramel malt, bourbon, and dark fruit of plums; alcohol is readily apparent. The body is full and rich with flavors of roasted malt, dark chocolate, caramel, and barrel char with lighter bourbon and toasted oak over a light sweetness. The beer finishes with a moderate-light bitterness and rich dark malts lingering with roasted, chocolate, coffee and caramel with a complimenting bourbon and toasted oak.
This is a very nice imperial stout with plenty of bourbon (boozy!) but the barrel character could be more prominent. Regardless, this is one great beer!