Hell & High Water

Gnarly Barley Brewing Co.


Specialty Wood-Aged Beer
Limited Release
United States

Judges Ratings 96

Aroma: 23 / 24
Flavor: 38 / 40
Appearance: 6 / 6
Mouthfeel: 10 / 10
Overall Impression: 19 / 20


A burly 10% stout brewed with a laundry list of dark malts for a deeply complex body, complemented by the addition of oats for a mouth-coating fullness. Our longest ever barrel-aged beer, it spent 18 months in Bourbon Barrels, resulting in a developed and dynamic body.

Beverage Profile

ABV: 10.00%
Served at: ()
Hops: Cascade
Malts: Two-row, C-60, C-120, Chocolate, Roasted Barley, Wheat, Oats, Belgian Candy Sugar

Judges Review

Michael McGuire picture

By Michael McGuire

Judges Ratings 96

Aroma: 23 / 24 / 24
Flavor: 38 / 40 / 40
Appearance: 6 / 6 / 6
Mouthfeel: 10 / 10 / 10
Overall Impression: 19 / 20 / 20

Hell & High Water by Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. is exactly what its name says and was judged as a Specialty Wood-Aged Beer (BJCP sub-style 33B).

It poured opaque inky black into the glass, forming only a thin tan head with little retention – not uncommon in imperial-strength beers. The aroma began with and maintained dark fruit and chocolate notes followed by moderate alcohol ones. Dominant flavors also favored a complex blending of base and specialty malts including roasted barley and chocolate along with subtle barrel characteristics of bourbon, oak and vanilla. The oatmeal made its presence felt through a silky texture on the palate rather than as a strong flavor element.

The mouthfeel also included a full body, smoothness throughout the taste and alcohol warmth with no astringency. This beer’s drinkability is high both in spite of and because of its strength. For all the right reasons, this is a world-class brew.

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