What Are The Best Drinks To Order At A Casino?
When playing your favorite casino game, nothing beats having a delicious beverage to refresh you. You have a wide variety of drinks to choose from at casinos, ranging from coffee to virgin cocktails and even spirits. In spite of the many choices available, it can be difficult to decide what to order at the casino bar.
In this list, you’ll find some suggestions for the best casino drinks to order while you’re at the roulette tables or playing the slots. What are you waiting for? Scroll down to find your new favorite casino drink!
Gin and Tonic
Often ordered from roving waitstaff at casinos, this easy cocktail has only two ingredients. Simplicity tastes better than complex cocktails, anyway. The classic Gin & Tonic is always refreshing. Is there anything more iconic than the combination of a transparent liquid and fresh lemon and mint served in a whiskey glass? Casino goers enjoy gin and tonics regularly. Gin and tonics are very tasty, so this makes perfect sense. Currently, there are hundreds of different brands of gin available, each with unique flavorings and distillation methods.
Champagne or Sparkling Wine
Known for its finesse, elegance, and good times, Champagne is a sparkling golden drink native to the Champagne region of France. The first taste of champagne might be sour and bitter, but one soon gets used to it. Winning with champagne is an unforgettable experience. International sports triumphs are almost always celebrated with a bottle of champagne right there on the podium.
Whiskey on the Rocks
Surely, this is the most commonly served beverage at casinos. If you are lucky, you may be able to find it among the free drinks in a casino, or you can serve it yourself when playing at no wagering online casinos Canada. While some say that having it on the rocks makes it even better, others say that it waters it down. It depends on your personal taste. If you visit Las Vegas you will find this drink on countless tables, regardless of which brand you prefer. Globally, it is a popular drink.
Moving on to one of the most sought-after ladies drinks – not that men don’t drink it, but it is more popular among women. We can often see female characters in TV shows or movies drinking Cosmos on a casual night out. It’s a great choice for outdoor casinos, because it just tops off a summer evening with a refreshing drink. If you like vodka, cranberry and citrusy flavours then you will love this one. It will look equally good in a hand of a poker player or a roulette player.
There are many references to Martinis in movies, pop culture, and song lyrics – like in 007 movies where James Bond drinks his “shaken, not stirred”. Traditionally, martinis are made from gin and vermouth. They are typically served in the classic martini glass with olives or lemon twists as garnishes. A simple but effective drink that is sure to boost your mood. And this list of casino cocktails wouldn’t be complete without the Dry Martini. An elegant cocktail with a touch of vermouth and olives or a lemon twist, this smooth concoction is a perfect casino drink, no matter if you like to play slots or table games.
Virgin Cocktails
It’s not a good idea to keep drinking alcohol all night long when you’re at the casino – especially if you are on a winning streak or if you are driving back home. Your performance could be affected if you’re drunk. You might not like alcohol for whatever reason! Although it is sometimes inconvenient to order water or a soda when everyone else is drinking fancy drinks. In those cases, virgin cocktails make perfect sense. You can order almost any cocktail on a drink menu in virgin form. You won’t look like an amateur among the professionals when you play.
There is no doubt that casinos know that the more you drink and enjoy yourself, the longer you stay on the table. In some cases, beverages come free in land-based casinos. You can relax and enjoy yourself while playing your favorite games. Serious gamblers who view their time playing as business instead of a way to relax may find that a drink helps them relax.
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