90 Rating: Jude Belgian-Style Tripel by Reformation Brewery

Reformation Brewery


Belgian Tripel | Year-Round | United States

Michael McGuire's picture

By Michael McGuire

Judges Rating: 90
Aroma: 22
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 35
Mouthfeel: 9
Overall Impression: 18

Jude by Reformation Brewery is a Belgian-style tripel. It was judged as a Belgian Tripel (BJCP sub-style 26C). It poured clear and straw-colored into the glass where it quickly displayed a thick and fairly lasting white head. Its aroma included citrusy (especially lemony) esters, and moderate pepper and wheat malt spiciness in the nose. The flavor too showcased Belgian yeast character and a wheat and pilsner malt grain bill, and hops for bittering only, as are common for a tripel. The mouthfeel too was true to style, with noticeable but not excessive alcohol warmth. As such its drinkability was impressive for such a strong beer. This tripel did not boast great complexity but had other qualities including balance to commend it.