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This strong, complex, malty Belgian-style ale has aromas and flavors balanced toward malt with notes of dark fruit, plum, raisins, candy sugar, slight caramel and clove, Chris said, adding that there’s good clarity, a big, creamy, off-white head and deep copper color. Phil also found lots of plum and raisin fruitiness in the aroma, and he said there is also a touch of apple and pear with very little hops and no overt malt aroma. A clove-like aftertaste rounds out a very harmonious ale that manages nice complexity without being too complicated, Phil continued. To Owen, the beer sent up aromas of dark fruit, cherries, clove, allspice and nutmeg that mingle with hints of banana, pineapple and peach. Its respectable complexity arises from flavors of ripe fruit, butter, cocoa, sherry, caramel malt and fruitcake, Owen added, and the beer finishes with a dry, biscuity character, with fermentation notes of clove, spice, tropical fruit esters and low bittering hops for background balance. Ed found that it offers a medium/light body and smooth mouthfeel, with some delicate alcohol warming in the finish. It comes in as a nice Belgian-style beer and a good example of the style, Bob said, that might even improve with a bit of age.