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Joseph Formanek's picture

Culture Two

April, 2017
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Culture Two by Fulton is labeled as a Golden Ale aged in oak barrel. It was evaluated as being a 28C Wild Specialty Beer in the 2015 BJCP Guidelines. As such, there should be a marriage of flavors from the wild fermentation as well as from the wood aging. In this case, the wild fermentation characteristics, even if not particularly complex, dominate over the wood. Instead, it is a moderately soured ale that is quite refreshing.

The aroma has earthy tartness with subtle barnyard notes in the background. There is also a bready yeast character that comes through along with the typical metallic acidic nose-puckering sharpness of a sour. No woody notes stand out. The beer pours a hazy golden color with a thin wispy head that dissipates quickly, which is not altogether uncommon for beers of this style.

The flavor is moderately tart with cherry and peachy fruity esters along with a moderate Brett barnyard character, but is not particularly complex. As in the aroma, a somewhat bready yeast flavor comes though in the background. Malt character is light to non-existent, and the oak character is extremely subtle. This brew has the overall character of a somewhat tart Chablis, and as such, would be a great pairing with fish or fowl. There are some evident metallic notes that arise in the middle and finish, as typical in a sour. The finish and aftertaste retains the same moderately tart somewhat fruity character as is up front. The body is a light-medium, and the carbonation is at a light-moderate level.

This brew is simply a very approachable rather clean, easy-drinking tart ale. This is one of those offerings that fills the need if high intensity sours are off-putting to you. Culture Two has enough character to make it interesting and would be a great option as a Summer refresher. Cheers and enjoy!