Judge’s Review: 90 Rating – Double Barrel Imperial Korova by Gnarly Barley Brewing Co.

Gnarly Barley Brewing Co.


Specialty Wood-Aged Beer | Limited Release | USA

Michael Heniff's picture

By Michael Heniff

Judges Rating: 90
Aroma: 20
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 37
Mouthfeel: 9
Overall Impression: 18

Double Barrel Imperial Korova by Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. is a Barrel-Aged Baltic Oatmeal Porter and is being evaluated as a Specialty Wood-Aged Beer (category 33B from the 2021 BJCP Beer Style Guidelines). Specialty Wood-Aged Beers are aged in spirit barrels and should have a harmonious blend between the barrel characters (typically vanilla and toasted oak), the barrel spirits and the base style. Baltic Porters (category 9C from the 2021 BJCP Beer Style Guidelines) are strong dark lagers that are deceptively easy to drink. Double Barrel Imperial Korova Milk Porter was aged in bourbon and sherry barrels. 
Double Barrel Imperial Korova Milk Porter pours black in color, is opaque, and sports a very small and wispy tan head. The aroma is prominent bourbon with a lighter sherry aroma and light vanilla note. Chocolate malt is apparent in the aroma but it takes a backseat to the spirits. The flavor is chocolate malt that is well-balanced with moderate spirit flavors of bourbon and sherry. The body is medium and the mouthfeel is silky smooth with a pleasant warmth and very light carbonation. The beer finishes lightly bitter with moderate chocolate malt and bourbon with lighter notes of sherry and vanilla.
Double Barrel Imperial Korova Milk Porter is a solid barrel-aged strong beer. The bourbon and sherry both complement the dark malt well. The malt profile was a bit simple but it did not detract from the overall enjoyment.