Judge’s Review: 90 Rating – Pacer IPA by Avery Brewing Co.

Avery Brewing Co.


American IPA | Year-Round | United States

Joseph Formanek's picture

By Joseph Formanek

Judges Rating: 90
Aroma: 24
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 34
Mouthfeel: 8
Overall Impression: 18

Pacer IPA by Avery Brewing Co. is a quite dank rendition of the BJCP 21B Specialty IPA style, with the offering being session strength. The hop character satisfies very well, though the malt components are a bit wanting, as is seen rather often in sessionable IPAs.
Big dank sulfur hop aromas (Mosaic, Amarillo) along with a touch of tropical fruit are very evident upon the pour. This hop complexity pretty much dominates all aspects of the aroma. The beer is a hazy straw color with an impressive, small, white-bubbled, lacy head with very good retention. Very impressive!
The flavor has moderate dank hop character and bitterness. The malt backbone is very light, and a touch of minerality and metallic notes are evident. The body is quite thin, and the carbonation is moderate. The CO2 is a predominant character in the finish, and, with the hops somewhat subsiding and the lack of malt flavor, the finish is very dry. The overall fermentation character is quite clean.
Overall, this is a refreshing example of the sessionable IPA style, with the hop notes present delivering enough character to make it interesting. This style is not meant to be a canvas to demonstrate malt complexity, and this example follows that rule quite well, though the best ones will have at least a little come through. Cheers and enjoy!