Judge’s Review: 91 Rating – Früh Kölsch by Cölner Hofbräu Früh

Cölner Hofbräu Früh


Kölsch | Year-Round | Germany

John C. Tull's picture

By John C. Tull

Judges Rating: 91
Aroma: 22
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 36
Mouthfeel: 9
Overall Impression: 18

Früh Kölsch by Cölner Hofbräu Früh was judged as Kölsch, Style 5B per the BJCP 2021 Style Guidelines.
A light grainy sweetness is evident along with a very subtle, nondescript fruity quality right away. There are no hop qualities that stand out in the aroma. The color is dark straw, not quite gold, and this beer is exceptionally bright/clear. A persistent head lingers across the surface and along the edges of the glass.
The flavor is slightly bready and grainy with hints of mild fruitiness, which are, again, nondescript and subtle. Hops lend a mild bitterness that balances nicely with the grain flavors. This beer is soft on the palate and not quite creamy. There is a tiny hint of age sneaking into this particular example of the beer, which indicates that the fragile qualities of a Kölsch are being worked on a bit. The body is medium, and carbonation lends a very light carbonic bite towards the finish.
Overall, this is a great example of a Kölsch, despite the progress of time beginning to leave its mark. The formulation of this beer is very much to the tradition of this beer style, subtle but refreshing and enjoyable from start to finish.