Judge’s Review: 93 Rating – Prize Inside by Wild Leap Brew Co.

Wild Leap Brew Co.


Imperial Stout | Limited Release | United States

Sal Mortillaro II's picture

By Sal Mortillaro II

Judges Rating: 93
Aroma: 22
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 37
Mouthfeel: 10
Overall Impression: 18

Prize Inside by Wild Leap Brew Co. is being evaluated as a Imperial Stout (Category 16A) according to the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines while keeping in mind the intentional addition of peanuts and caramel to the beer.
This beer pours a very dark brown clarity which is opaque with a thin, light tan head that does not persist but leaves a ring and light lacing on the glass. The aroma consists of a low grainy, graham cracker-like notes which are overtaken by a medium sweet chocolate note. Slight coffee, roast, and caramel take a back seat to a general subtle dark stone fruit ester. The use of lactose is apparent and coupled with the grainy, graham cracker notes, and chocolate, it is very reminiscent of a bowl of chocolate cereal in milk. On the sip, fruity esters of plum and dark stone fruit are at the forefront. This is immediately followed by a medium -high lactose-like sweetness and notes of low chocolate and roast malt flavor with underlying graham cracker and caramel flavor. With a medium-low hop bitterness, the low earthy hop flavor is quickly lost to the predominant malt and ester notes. The beer finishes with dark fruit esters, chocolate, and low alcohol which brings balance to the sweetness and aids in the finishing dryness of the beer along with a manifested peanut type nutty flavor. This beer has a medium body with medium carbonation. This beer has a light creaminess aided by the addition of lactose. The alcohol warmth is pleasant and aids to the complexity of the beer. Overall, this is an interesting take on a Sweet Stout which the alcohol, esters, and sweetness begin to become reminiscent of a Tropical Stout. However, the malt and lactose sweetness and flavor, alcohol, esters, nuttiness, and low hop character meld to an interesting interpretation of a Sweet Stout. Albeit, I found the esters to be a little high for the style, I found this beer quite enjoyable and very all executed and hitting the mark of what the brewery was going for. Take me out to LaGrange… I don’t care if I never get back because this beer is a must try if you enjoy fun stouts.