Maple Tripple Ale

Lawson’s Finest Liquids,h=487

Spice, Herb or Vegetable Beer | Limited Release | United States

Dan Preston's picture

By Dan Preston

Judges Rating: 97
Aroma: 24
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 38
Mouthfeel: 10
Overall Impression: 19

This beer pours a very deep copper with mahogany hues, a huge dense off-white head and great clarity. The aroma is intense and complex with rich vanilla & oaky liquor notes with lots of dark fruit (plums, cherries, raisins, currants) and melanoidins. There is also some light chocolate ntoes and a barrage of sweetness – toffee, deep caramel, brown sugar, maple, honey, molasses. The flavor is similar to the aroma but even more intense towards the caramel, maple and sugary notes. It is full bodied with a creamy, smooth mouthfeel despite the alcohol. Bottled in June 2015, time definitely did this one well. I had this one fresher before and the alcohol was much more apparent which made for a less pleasing experience. Now about all it could use is to be a touch drier, but there is so much complexity to the sweetness that is there.