Pie Thief

Wren House Brewing Co.


English Barleywine | Limited Release | United States

Brad Darnell's picture

By Brad Darnell

Judges Rating: 87
Aroma: 22
Appearance: 5
Flavor: 35
Mouthfeel: 8
Overall Impression: 17

Pie Thief by Wren House is a Wheat Whiskey Barrel Aged Pumpkin Wheat Wine and is being evaluated as a Specialty Wood Aged (2015 BJCP Category 33B) offering according to BJCP guidelines. For this style expect variety depending upon the base style and the spirit barrel. The length of time in the barrel, the specific barrel, the number of previous barrel uses all affect the variety in this style.
Sweet brown sugar and vanilla, soft yet spicy nutmeg and cinnamon mix with a lightly sweet pie crust to greet your senses. The appearance is a lightly hazy bold amber with a thick, creamy and bubbly light beige head. The head takes its time dissipating to a film on top, leaving enough for some spotty lacing. A sweet and spicy alcohol aroma presents itself next with notes of warm pumpkin pie. As it warms the brown sugar, pumpkin and vanilla combination reign supreme. Subtle earthy wheat and bready malt notes provide a wonderful backdrop. With my first mouthful, I find a substantial earthy hop bitterness alongside sweet and spicy alcohol. As I delve further the sweet pumpkin, vanilla and brown sugar make themselves known with wheat bread malt. The flavor is fairly balanced despite the hop bitterness at first and finishes with a warm and spicy bite, mostly sweet though there is a drying character. Full bodied, medium alcohol warmth, medium-light carbonation and a faint hop astringency. Overall, I certainly feel as if I am sitting at a family table enjoying a Thanksgiving meal.