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Phil Farrell's picture

Session Fest

Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Brilliantly clear orange-amber with consistent off-white foam, this beer’s aroma is extremely clean and features toasty malt. As the beer warms, the hint of floral hops is superseded by pine and a touch of citrus. The flavor is the same pleasant contradiction of clean European toasty malt and light American pine and grapefruit flavors. The body is moderately full and there is a touch of alcohol in the firmly bitter finish. A complex malt melanoidin lingers in the aftertaste with just a touch of pine resin. My impression was that of a clean Oktoberfest with a little extra alcohol, West Coast hop character and the bitterness of a Maibock to cleanse the palate.