Rocky Road

Smuttynose Brewing Co.,h=489

Wood-Aged Beer | Special Release | United States

Rodney A. Tillinghast's picture

By Rodney A. Tillinghast

Judges Rating: 92
Aroma: 22
Appearance: 5
Flavor: 38
Mouthfeel: 8
Overall Impression: 19

“Dark as a stormy night with a sweet kiss of chocolate bourbon;” that’s the phrase that kept going through my mind as I sipped on this luscious stout. This brew poured mighty dark, and I coaxed a nice, tightly formed head into my snifter, which was followed up in the aroma by strong, dark chocolate notes supported by a light vanilla toasted scent. The aroma was a very enticing entrance into a very sweet and fulfilling Imperial Stout.
This ale’s flavor was a terrific mix of sweet chocolate, dark fruit, vanilla and bourbon. It was quite balanced and was supported by a very modest hop bitterness character. In the finish, this beer left you with a very silky impression – one that stayed with me throughout the sample.
This Imperial Stout seems well-crafted, and would be favored by those who appreciate a more refined, sweeter ale. The chocolate notes are very interesting, and this would be a great sipping beer next to a fireplace with the winter winds howling outside.