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Insurrection - Fulton Beer - 94 Rating

Responses from head brewer Mikey Salo.

BC: Who came up with this beer’s recipe?
Insurrection is based off of one of the first double IPA recipes I ever made back while I was homebrewing in college. There have been a few minor tweaks over the years but the recipe is nearly identical to when it was brewed for the first time in a five-gallon batch.

BC: What’s your favorite aspect of this beer (flavor, aroma, etc.)?
Aroma. I have a mild obsession with Nelson Sauvin hops and love the way that they work with Mosaic hops. The malt backbone is great but this beer is all about the aromatics. 

BC: Where does this beer’s name come from?
Fulton is well known for making very balanced & approachable beers. This beer is an aggressively hopped, strong double IPA. The first time we brewed this beer on a larger scale it was meant to “shake up the (Fulton) establishment” a bit and quickly became a staff (and fan) favorite.  

BC: Can you describe this beer in 10 words or less?
Nope. It’s just a delicious juicy double IPA.

BC: Do you know a story – or have a personal story – that revolves around this beer?
Insurrection is all about doing things that make you happy even if it’s not what everyone wants you to do. Shake things up. Be aggressive every once and a while. Make things that you want to make. 

BC: What's a good food pairing for this beer?
This beer needs bold flavors to stand up to it. Thai food and curry work very well with this beer. 
