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Judge's Review: 85 Rating - St. Feuillien Tripel by Brasserie St-Feuillien

April, 2018
Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
5 / 6
35 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

St. Feuillien’s Tripel is being evaluated as a Trappist Tripel (2015 BJCP Category 26C) according to BJCP guidelines.

The aroma is fruit forward with notes of banana, pear and red apple. In the background is a subtle presence of alcohol. There is no malt profile or phenols evident. The aroma is on the perfumy side and a bit faint overall. Something more complex and bit more pronounced would be welcome. 

This pale blonde tripel with very light haze and a tightly packed, fluffy white head makes for an attractive presentation. The large size of the head is indicative of bottle conditioning. The large frothy head has impressive retention and remains tightly knit. 

Surprisingly, the malt comes through in a big way in the flavor. A harmony of bread, biscuit, honey and graham cracker comprise a complex and enjoyable malt profile. There is moderate bitterness with no perceptible hop flavor. Fruit-like esters last long into the semi-dry finish.

The alcohol is slightly warming but more complementary than offensive. The body is medium and the carbonation moderately high. A good Tripel but not a great one. This beer lacks the spiciness and floral hop character that world-class examples have.