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Michael McGuire's picture

Judge's Review: 92 Rating - Chickow! by Listermann Brewing Co.

July, 2018
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Chickow! by Listermann Brewing Co. is a complex brown ale and, as instructed, was judged as an American Brown Ale (BJCP sub-style 19C). It poured very dark brown and moderately opaque into the glass, where it formed a thin white head with modest retention. Like a true brown ale, its aroma featured brown and chocolate malt (i.e., non-roasty) notes, more alcohol than expected for the style, no noticeable hops and an intense true chocolate nose presumably from the addition of cocoa nibs at some point in the brewing process. The flavor profile too was dominated by chocolate and alcohol with no overt hop flavor, just background bitterness to balance. A subtle nuttiness balanced the sweetness of the chocolate, creating a harmonious and delicious brew. The mouthfeel featured moderate carbonation, a creamy, medium body and decided alcohol warmth. This excellent (albeit somewhat one-dimensional) beer’s drinkability is high and should appeal to both chocolate lovers and imperial stout and strong after-dinner beer aficionados.  Enjoy this one in moderation, and as always read the label so you won’t be too surprised by what you discover in your glass.
