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Judge's Review: 94 Rating - Leave'M In The Dust Double (Unfiltered) IPA by Garage Brewing Co.

May, 2022

Leave'M In The Dust Double (Unfiltered) IPA

Leave'M In The Dust Double (Unfiltered) IPA

United States
 Leave'M In The Dust Double (Unfiltered) IPA, Garage Brewing Co.

We put the pedal to the floor and left only a dust of hops for this 5 pound per beer barrel hop explosion. Restrained bitterness collides with full juicy hop flavors and premium malts to bring you an IPA worthy of leading the pack.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Leave'M In The Dust Double (Unfiltered) IPA by Garage Brewing Co. is a Double IPA and is being evaluated as a Double IPA (category 22A in the 2021 BJCP Beer Style Guidelines). The focus of the Double IPA style is hops, hops and more hops. Additionally, despite being a high-alcohol content style, Double IPAs are fairly drinkable and lack a heavy malty body, which are more typical traits of beers of this alcohol content. Leave’M in the Dust measures in at 8.4% abv.

Leave’M in the Dust pours dark golden in color with good clarity and a medium off-white head. The aroma is moderately strong piney and resiny hops with stone fruit notes over a background of light bready malt. The flavor is moderately strong piney and resiny hops supported by light bready malt with hints of caramel. The beer finishes moderately strong in bitterness with moderate-strong resiny and piney hops with a hint of breadiness. The hop bitterness lingers for a long time.

This is a very good ‘tweener’ IPA that straddles the line between American IPA and Double IPA.  The hopping level is very much “West Coast-style” as the hops are quite prominent with a strong lingering bitterness. Hop heads should certainly seek out this strong and flavorful IPA.
