Shiner Bock

The Spoetzl Brewery,h=487

International Dark Lager | Year-Round | United States

Michael Bury's picture

By Michael Bury

Judges Rating: 78
Aroma: 16
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 32
Mouthfeel: 10
Overall Impression: 14

Shiner Bock pours brilliantly clear and amber in color. Despite ample carbonation, its ivory head is fleeting. The aroma in general is low with faint toasted malt, whispers of caramel, and an apple ester. Hops are completely absent. The bready flavor is where this beer shines, as the balanced caramel malt backbone and delicate floral noble hops are in terrific harmony. With low bitterness, it finishes semi-sweet with caramel notes lingering well into the aftertaste. Although fruitier than a typical lager and a bit too heavy-handed with the caramel malt, Shiner Bock is a fine introductory lager for the general populace.