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Judge's Review: 94 Rating - Redux Dulcitude Barrel Aged Wheat Wine by Garage Brewing Co.

May, 2022

Redux Dulcitude Barrel Aged Wheat Wine

Redux Dulcitude Barrel Aged Wheat Wine

United States
Redux Dulcitude Barrel Aged Wheat Wine, Garage Brewing Co.

Wheat Wine Aged in whiskey barrels with notes of Apricot, Peach, and Pears.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
39 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Redux Dulcitude Barrel Aged Wheat Wine by Garage Brewing Co. is being evaluated as a Specialty Wood-Aged Beer (Category 33B) from the 2021 BJCP Style Guidelines.

Redux Dulcitude Barrel Aged Wheat Wine pours a deep copper color with a light haze, which is quite expected from a wheat beer. The off-white head leaves a thin stand of fine bubbles on the beer. The aroma features a prominent oakiness, light spicy alcohol, peach skins and fruit leather, followed by a touch of brown sugar, caramel and bready wheat. The oak is fairly dominant, but as the beer warms the caramel character grows.

The flavor follows with a roller coaster of bready wheat, spicy alcohol, mixed light stone fruit, caramel and dark brown sugar, which then transitions into a touch of vanilla. As the beer passes through mid-palate, a medium-high hop bitterness develops and lingers into a medium-dry finish. There is a moderate oak character, fruit leather and a touch of honey in the aftertaste. It also features a medium-full body, moderate carbonation and medium-light alcohol warming that remains smooth throughout.

This is an enjoyable whiskey barrel-aged wheatwine that clocks in at 11.4% ABV. Although the alcohol is evident, it is also smooth and not dominant. The base beer is well brewed and and plays nicely with the barrel character.