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Editorial Dept.'s picture

2016 Top Selling Craft Beer Styles In The U.S.

2016 Top Selling Craft Beer Styles

We are pleased to publish the following sales statistics provided to us by IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm (@iriworldwide). This report provides insight into beer purchased by consumers in 2016 and what the top selling craft beer styles are by dollar sales. Please note that the figures provided are only an exerpts from the total data provided to us.

Sales figures are reported from three categories.
Total U.S. Food:
  Supermarkets that are generating greater than $2MM in all commodity volume sales annually.
Total U.S Convenience: Reflects convenience stores.
Total U.S. Multi-Outlet + Convenience:  Supermarkets, Drugstores, Convenience Stores, Mass Merchandising stores such as Walmart, Target and K-Mart, Club stores (BJ’s and Sam’s Club, but not Costco) and Dollar Stores.

For all figures, calendar end-to-date 11/27/16

Top Craft Beer Styles

Total U.S. Food



Total U.S Convenience



Total U.S. Multi-Outlet + Convenience



Clb185's picture
Spelled insight wrong.
Editorial Dept.'s picture
Good catch!
virginialuther12's picture
Thank you so much for the post! I really like it and very informative for me as a beer lover.Please provide some more information to refer us that will be more helpful for us.
UKRBEER's picture
Under what category is bière de garde.
Editorial Dept.'s picture
Hi UKRBEER, Biere de Garde is in the Craft Belgian Ales category.
