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The Best Beers of 2021 By Style Category

The year’s best beer categorized by the most populated beer styles in the 2021 Official Review. A one-stop shopping list of the best brews on shelves today.

The beer world kept turning in 2021, though multiple changes were wrought by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

One thing that remained unchanged was brewers' unending desire to push the envelope and produce a bevy of terrific beers in a multitude of styles that would make a Reinheitsgebot purist blush.

2021 provided a scintillating menagerie of tremendously engaging brews that are sure to pique the interest of connoisseurs the world over. In this piece, we've highlighted the most populous styles our judges reviewed in 2021, including hazy IPAs, barrel-aged beers and many more.

Read on to explore this list of some of the most engaging and popular styles from the year that was.

Top 15 IPAs of 2021 (All Styles)
Top 10 Double IPAs
Top 10 Specialty IPAs
Top 5 American IPAs
Top 10 Spice, Herb or Vegetable Beers
Top 3 Mixed-Style Beers
Top 5 International Pale Lagers
Top 3 Wild Specialty Beers
Top 5 Fruit Beers
Top 15 Specialty Wood-Aged Beers


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