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Exciting New Look Unveiled for Mother Earth Brew Co.'s Core Brands

Discover the new look of Mother Earth's core brands - Cali Creamin' Vanilla Cream Ale and Cali Creamin' Creamsicle! Enjoy the same great taste in refreshed packaging. Exciting updates for other favorites coming soon.

Exciting New Look Unveiled for Mother Earth Brew Co.'s Core Brands

Mother Earth Brew Co. in Vista, California is proud to announce a fresh new look for some of its beloved core brands, starting with the flagship product, Cali Creamin' Vanilla Cream Ale, and its delectable orange-flavored counterpart, Cali Creamin' Creamsicle.

Dubbed the "refresh," this exciting transformation has been carefully planned and executed after six months of dedicated collaboration, ensuring that customers will love the updated packaging.

Kamron Khannakhjavani, the Marketing Director at Mother Earth, expressed his enthusiasm for the brand's evolution:

“We had a couple objectives when designing the next gen of cans: First, although it would be tempting to scrap everything and start over, we knew we had built a certain amount of brand equity we weren’t willing to just walk away from, especially in the Cali Creamin’ Family. We felt that with iconic imagery like the VW bus, we needed to pull in legacy elements that folks could recognize, while also introducing some fresh ideas. The second important consideration, was how the new cans would fit within the rest of our core lineup, especially since we had just designed three new cans somewhat recently. As it turns out that design template would pave the way for the new can design – particularly in the Cali Family.” 

The new Cali Creamin' and Cali Creamin' Creamsicle cans have already hit the shelves this month, inviting consumers to indulge in their favorite beverages with a brand-new appearance. However, loyal patrons need not worry, as Mother Earth assures everyone that the beloved recipes will remain unchanged. This means customers can continue to savor the same consistent, high-quality products they've come to cherish over the years.

But that's not all; the excitement doesn't end here. Later this year, Mother Earth will be cycling in the new look for other core brands such as Boo Koo IPA and Milk Truck Latte Stout, giving fans even more reason to anticipate the refresh of their favorite brews.

With the unveiling of the updated packaging for Cali Creamin' and Cali Creamin' Creamsicle, Mother Earth is sending a clear message: they are committed to staying true to their roots while continuously evolving to cater to the changing preferences of their valued customers. So, whether you're a longtime enthusiast of these delightful ales or a newcomer eager to taste the classics, the refreshed look promises to add a dash of excitement to your next Mother Earth experience. Embrace the change and savor the familiar flavors as the brewery's core brands continue to take the craft beer world by storm.
