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Fulton Brewing Launches Fulton Hard Seltzer

Fulton Brewing Launches Fulton Hard Seltzer

Fulton Brewing in Minneapolis, Minnesota is joining the ranks of hard seltzer producers.

The trendy hard seltzer line of beverages for active-liftestyle drinkers have spread throughout craft beer, with Fulton being the newest brewery to enter the realm.

Mixed 12-packs featuring Blood Orange, Berry, Grapefruit and Lemon Lime flavors are available in the Minneapolis metro area (with planned expansion throughout the year).

The full release from the brewery is below.

Let's Party
As if brewing approachable, extraordinary beers 5 days a week wasn't enough already we're throwing our collective hats into the ring of the Hard Seltzer. And, if our experiences at Twin Cities Burger Battle and Grumpy's Art-A-Whirl party this past weeked are any indication of enthusiasm for this stuff, things are going to be quite fruity and fun this summer. Comprised of flavors including: Grapefruit, Berry, Blood Orange, and Lemon Lime there's sure to be a little something for everyone in this package. We spent nearly a year working on recipes, flavor combinations, new processes, packaging and identity work across all departments. We now can proudly say the fruits (pun definitely intended) of our labor are yours to enjoy.

We're happy to announce that Fulton's first shipment of Hard Seltzer Mixed 12packs has left the building! These party starters should be arriving in a liquor store near you within days for those living in the MSP metro (and spreading out from there). We hope you're ready to have more fun this summer. We certainly are.
