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FX Matt Brewing Co. to Acquire Flying Dog Brewery

This acquisition sets the stage for Flying Dog to shift its entire production to Utica, New York, though the brewery plans to have a taproom and "innovation brewery" remain in its former hometown of Frederick, Maryland. Both of the breweries involved in this deal were in the Brewers Association top 50 for 2022.

FX Matt Brewing Co. to Acquire Flying Dog Brewery

In an exciting development for beer enthusiasts, FX Matt Brewing Co. (makers of the Saranac brand) and Flying Dog Brewery have officially announced a game-changing acquisition. FX Matt Brewing Co., the esteemed brewery founded in 1888 and recognized as the fourth longest-running family-owned brewery in the United States, will be taking over Flying Dog Brewery. This strategic move aims to address the limitations faced by Flying Dog at their Frederick brewery and pave the way for new opportunities.

With a rich history and a commitment to exceptional brewing, FX Matt Brewing Company has been brewing numerous Flying Dog beers for the past decade due to the constraints faced by Flying Dog's Frederick brewery. However, this acquisition will consolidate production efforts, allowing Flying Dog to shift all production to the state-of-the-art FX Matt facility over the course of the summer. It is anticipated that Flying Dog's Frederick operations will be completely phased out by August, making way for an exciting transition.

“It is important to me that FX Matt Brewing is offering employment opportunities to as many employees as possible and we will provide job placement assistance to team members”, said Flying Dog CEO Jim Caruso in a press release. “Frederick is a great place to live and do business, unfortunately even though we have invested millions of dollars in the brewery, it has too many limitations and puts Flying Dog at too great a competitive disadvantage.

"I could not imagine a beer steward for the Flying Dog brand going forward than FX Matt Brewing Company. We have worked with them for many years, they are a prestigious family-owned brewery with more than 135 years of history, they are committed to building on the deep roots Flying Dog has established in Maryland, and their capabilities will take Flying Dog to a new level,” added Caruso.

During this seamless transition period, all Flying Dog beers will continue to be expertly brewed at FX Matt Brewing in New York. The renowned brewery has the necessary capacity and expertise to ensure that Flying Dog's distinctive flavors and quality remain uncompromised. Beer enthusiasts can expect their favorite Flying Dog brews to maintain their exceptional taste and consistency throughout this transition phase.

"We are forever grateful for the loyalty that Maryland craft beer drinkers have shown to Flying Dog and we look forward to continuing to be a part of the Maryland community moving forward,” stated Flying Dog CMO Ben Savage, who will be named President of the Flying Dog division of FX Matt Brewing. “This acquisition gives our brand immediate capabilities and flexibility to adapt to the changing consumer preferences. There will always be a market for great beer, but the lines between beer, cocktails, spirits, and wine continue to blur. FX Matt Brewing Co. gives Flying Dog significant resources to not only optimize our current product portfolio, but also quickly develop products in new, emerging categories.”

Moreover, FX Matt Brewing Company has set its sights on establishing a brand-new Flying Dog taproom in Frederick, MD. This innovative venue will include an innovation brewery, providing an exciting space for beer aficionados to explore and experience Flying Dog's creations firsthand. The search for the perfect location for this remarkable taproom is currently underway, and the announcement of its opening is eagerly anticipated.

With the relocation of production to the FX Matt facility, the move will not only enhance efficiency but also open doors to new possibilities. By bringing Flying Dog's operations under one roof, the collaboration aims to leverage the strengths of both breweries and drive innovation in the craft beer industry.

“Flying Dog has created an amazing brand, award-winning beers, and offers us a great opportunity to grow in the Mid-Atlantic Region.  When you think of craft beer in Maryland and the mid-Atlantic, Flying Dog is the first brand that pops into your head. We are excited to join forces with such a great brand and look forward to helping Flying Dog reach new heights,” comments Fred Matt CEO of FX Matt Brewing Co.
