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Montreal's Mondial de la Biere Festival Postponed Until October

Montreal's Mondial de la Biere Festival Postponed Until October

Mondial de la Biere, one of the biggest beer festivals in the world in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, has announced its postponement from April to October (tentatively). Full details from the festival are below.

Montreal — In response to the recommendations from the Quebec Government about COVID-19, the Mondial de la bière, which was supposed to be held from May 21 to 24, will take place in the fall instead. The tentative dates selected are from Thursday, October 8 to Sunday, October 11, 2020, still at the Gare Windsor.

We remain up to date about the evolution of the situation and commit ourselves to respect the governments’ guidelines and the Public Health recommendations.

About the Mondial de la bière de Montréal

The Mondial de la bière was founded in Montreal in 1994 by three beer lovers including Jeannine Marois, president of the event since 2002. A unique and friendly tasting event, it is considered a doorway to the brewing industry in Quebec and around the world. In addition to its elaborate professional side, the Mbeer school of beerology and the Greg Noonan Mbeer Contest, the festival offers visitors an education about beer. Over the years, it has become the most important international beer festival in America and its reputation extends worldwide. 

In addition to the Mondial de la bière de Montréal, there are now three Mondial de la bière festivals on the international scene: the Mondial de la bière de Sao Paulo, Brazil from June 4 to 7, the Mondial de la bière de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from September 3  to 7 and the Mondial de la bière Europe, Paris, France from September 11 to 13.

For more information:

Social medias: Facebook/Mondialbiere // Instagram/mondialbiere #mondialbiere