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Stone Brewing Debuts Newest Arrogant Bastard Beer, Black Metallic Stout

Stone Brewing Debuts Newest Arrogant Bastard Beer, Black Metallic Stout

Stone Brewing Co. in Escondido, California has unveiled the newest beer in its Arrogant Bastard line: Arrogant Bastard Metallic Stout is an ultra-roasty version of the brewery's forthcoming "corrected" version of the same beer.

In a similar vein to the usual brash product descriptions the Bastard line conveys, such as: "So what do we do with an out of spec brand new beer that we went ahead and canned a limited amount of and think is really f***ing good? We sell it."

This beer is a limited release that's only available from Stone's retail locations and online.

The full release from Stone Brewing's Arrogant Cosortia is below.

Dearest fans of Arrogance,

We canned up a limited amount of out of spec Arrogant Bastard Black Metallic Stout. 

Out of spec? Yep. Too strong in the roasty bitterness department. Thing is, even though this very first batch is not as planned, it's f***ing good. 

So what do we do with an out of spec brand new beer that we went ahead and canned a limited amount of and think is really f***ing good? We sell it. But we only sell it only to people who read this and say "I dunno what the corrected version is going to taste like, but this sounds pretty good to me," If that's you, keep reading. If not, return to your candy crush or whatever. 

This version is only available at our own locations and online store and will not be available at your local grocery store, bottle shop or anywhere else. That’s where the corrected (though still plenty bitter and still quite roasty) version will go.

Not in California? Feelings hurt because you won’t get your hands on this out of spec version? Dry your eyes. The corrected version ships out with nationwide distribution soon enough. But for true roasty bitterness masochists, this first version is for you.

-The Arrogant Consortia

Note: the cost to ship four bottles or six-packs is roughly the same as shipping one. No returns or refunds are accepted for beer.