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Summer 2010, Issue 3

Summer 2010, Issue 3

Welcome back, dear reader, to another installment of The Beer Connoisseur. You’ve likely gathered by now that what you hold in your hands is far from simply another beer magazine. We may be the youngster of the bunch, but what we’re hoping comes across in these pages is an effort to dramatically raise the beer journalism bar, to capture the entire depth and breadth of today’s vibrant, ever-expanding brewing landscape. It’s a tall order but no doubt a just one – we do it for the beer.

Since debuting late last year, we have worked hard to nobly proselytize on behalf of good beer. To make sure we’re staying on the right path, we’ve made a point throughout our infancy to keep taking a hard, critical look at ourselves, and thus, those of you who have followed us closely over our first two issues will notice some changes this time around.

First off, you’ll find that our beer review section is no longer split into two parts, with a segment focused exclusively on beers from around our home base of the Southeast. After two solid go-rounds, we’ve flung open the gates to let Southern beers roam free, and from here on out you will find a single, cohesive review that will include brews from around the region – or any corner of the earth, for that matter – when warranted.  

Likewise, we’re making a point to hit the road as much as we can. For the release of our second issue we traveled to Austin, Tex., and you can read all about the rocketing beer scene there and elsewhere in the Lone Star State in this installment.

One thing we’ve heard from a number of you is that our quarterly reports have been lacking a look at homebrewing, so starting with this issue you’ll find a regular take on the art of zymurgy. But, in true The Beer Connoisseur style, we’re aiming far beyond the status quo and have decided to work toward crafting our own Beer Connoisseur brand beer. It will be a long road to reach that lofty goal, and we’ll bring you along each step of the way as we go.

Don’t think that all this means we’ve torn up our blueprint. You’ll still find the regular features that you’ve come to crave, including the Innovators Series (this edition of which focuses on none other than Vinnie Cilurzo, the brewing wizard behind Santa Rosa, California’s Russian River Brewing Co.), our international travel dispatch (covering the rise of real ale in England) and our Style Studies lessons in beer’s multitudinous forms (tackling summery styles like saison, lambic, Kölsch and American wheat). We’ll continue to visit some of the country’s most popular breweries – Ommegang, Bell’s and Great Divide in this issue – and most beloved beer bars, like Brouwer’s Café in Seattle. And we’ll keep exploring eco-friendly principles at work in the beer world, looking at the green benefits of cans this time.

Beyond those regular features, you’ll find a look at summer-friendly beer cuisine that is sure to give you more than a few ideas as you dust off the grill. We take you along as we travel around Indianapolis – just in time for racing season – and the rest of the Hoosier State sampling a bevy of top-notch beers. And we delve into the fast-growing trend of collaboration brews, spotlighting some standouts you’ll want to watch for in the near future.

Here’s hoping you’re out somewhere warm and sunny, with a brew in hand as lively as the season. As always, thanks for the support.


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