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Untappd Parent Company Next Glass Acquires BeerAdvocate

Untappd Parent Company Next Glass Acquires BeerAdvocate

BeerAdvocate has been acquired by Next Glass, the parent company of Untappd. More details on this transaction are below courtesy of BeerAdvocate founder Todd Alström​ on its website.

I'm excited to announce that BeerAdvocate and Untappd have joined forces under the Next Glass umbrella. BeerAdvocate will maintain its distinct brand identity, and continue as its own community, website, series of events, and beyond.

We've been struggling to keep the lights on for over two years, and we still face some challenges, but I'm confident that this is the best path for all of us. Next Glass is committed to not only helping BeerAdvocate, but passionate about protecting and cultivating our unique culture, identity, and community.

I also have a lot of respect for what Greg Avola, Untappd's Co-Founder and CTO, and team have built over the past nine years, and this next chapter is a great opportunity to explore new features and opportunities. Untappd brings over 100 talented coworkers, killer app development, and powerful sales and insights to the table. BeerAdvocate brings nearly a quarter of a century of advocating for beer, the benchmark for beer reviews, an awesome community, the internet's largest beer forum, a decade of publishing experience and award-winning content, over 70 world-class beer events, and our "Respect Beer" motto.

Together, under one banner, BeerAdvocate and Untappd will explore ways to collaborate, strengthen both communities, and provide unmatched resources for its users and the industry.

It's a bittersweet moment, but I'm excited for the future and look forward to working with my new coworkers in taking BeerAdvocate to the next level. And get ready, Brooklyn. Extreme Beer Fest cometh this September. More on that soon...

In the meantime, I'm sure many of you will have questions and concerns. I might not have all the answers right now, but I encourage you to post them and I'll do my best.

As always, thanks for your support.


Todd Alström
Founder, BeerAdvocate

I've tried to anticipate some of your questions specific to this announcement, and I'll update this FAQ as needed. For general site help and questions, please refer to our main FAQ.


What happened?
A large portion of our business relied on revenue from BeerAdvocate magazine. As the focus of readers and advertisers shifted over recent years, our publication wasn't immune to the issues that have impacted the entire print media industry.

Next Glass stepped up to ensure that our awesome community that we've all worked hard to cultivate since 1996 can continue to thrive for years to come.

Are you on Untappd now?
I am. I downloaded it while ago for research.


Does this mean I’m an Untappd user now?
No, but you're free to become one:, and there's a good chance that many of you already are.

Will I be able to link my BeerAdvocate and Untappd accounts?
Not at this time, but you can add a link to your Untappd account on your profile page.

Can I sync my BeerAdvocate ratings with Untappd check-ins or vice versa?
Not at this time.

What will happen to my Respect Beer Society membership?
Nothing. Your perks are intact, your membership will expire as scheduled, and we hope you'll renew and continue to support our efforts.

Does Untappd own my data now?
Next Glass has acquired the data.


Are we going to start seeing Untappd branding on the website?
We're currently exploring crossover promotions and functionality, but only where it makes sense for both communities and platforms. Next Glass understands BeerAdvocate and Untappd are distinct communities with different use cases and has no plans to change that. The brands will remain separate and I wouldn’t expect to see much Untappd branding on the BeerAdvocate site and vice-versa.

What website improvements or new features can we expect?
We're currently exploring the endless opportunities, and I’m stoked to get to work with more financial and technical resources behind us.

Will this impact how we currently rate and review?
No. BeerAdvocate and Untappd are separate platforms.

Will this impact beer scores, top rated beers, etc?
No. BeerAdvocate and Untappd are separate platforms.

Will BeerAdvocate and Untappd sync data (beers, places, etc.)?
We've discussed streamlining and centralizing some data and services, but nothing has been implemented at this time.

Will Untappd users have access to our forums?
Of course. Anyone can participate in our forums, and we welcome all Untappd users to create an account and join the discussion.


Do you still plan on hosting beer fests?
Hell yeah! In fact, I'm currently curating the invite list for Extreme Beer Fest in Brooklyn this September.

Are there any other BeerAdvocate fests planned for this year?
Yes. We'll be mapping out the rest of the year beginning this week. Updates to follow!

Will you be involved with Untappd's beer fests and vice versa?
Yes. We're all one family now and we'll be sharing our collective experiences and resources to host world-class events. That said, our fests will be different experiences and cater to different communities. Extreme will still be Extreme!


What does this mean for the long-awaited BeerAdvocate app?
As mentioned in recent updates, I decided to pull the beta app and take a step back as a lot had changed since we first started app development nearly two years ago. Now that we have the resources, we plan to revisit development later this year and we'll be sure to keep you updated on our progress.


Does this mean that BeerAdvocate magazine will come back?
I've learned to never say never.
